martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011


We only need to take a look around the marvels of our planet, we still have wild and beautiful parts...Let´s take some awareness

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011


Many would say the main thing is to look at the needs in our country before venturing to worry other nation´s need as far away as Africa.

 But i´d like to share this video in order to make a simple comparison of the food´s problems around the world, which is a problem that need to be concerned by each of us. It is true our country has high rates of poverty (about 52 million poor people between 2008-2010- 48% aproximately), where only Between 5 and 9% living below poverty line.

Now look at the Africa´s landscape:

-Africa is the world´s second largest and second most populous continent (after Asia)
-It covers around 6% of the Earth´s total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area.
-There is 1 billion people (2009) in 61 territories, accounting for about 14.72% of the world´s human population.
-Although Africa has aboundant natural resources, Africa´s remains the WORLD´S POOREST and MOST UNDERDEVELOPED continent.
-The World Bank estimated (2009) that 80.5% of the populations is living below poverty line, that means, around 805,000 million of people living with less than one dolar a day.

That said, we can see the world needs...How we can simply help??? DO NOT THROW FOOD AWAY!

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011


Before ending this course and being closer to finish our carrers, I would like to share this video which probably many of you have already seen, anyway I THINK ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER ONE THING: in this life no mistake is fault of anyone but ourselves and our task is to ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY AND ESPECIALLY TO RECOGNIZE THAT REAL LIFE IS FULL OF SUCCESSES AND FAILURES WHERE THE FAILURE DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE LOST BUT MEANS YOU MUST START AGAIN

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


I really got amazed about this video, the question is: Could Mexico be the 5th economy 39 years from now?? and so on...Will China rise to the first place??

I got so many doubts about those 10 top future countries.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011


To understand Mexico and USA current situation and approaches is it necesary to take a look to the HISTORY OF THE MEXICAN ECONOMY...

Since the mid-1980´s, Mexico has undergone an economic transformation in record time, a feat that few other developing countries can claim. The change in Mexico´s economy from state control to an open market is both a tribute to President Carlos Salinas de Gortari and his predecesor, Miguel de la Madrid, and a reminder of the county´s all-too-recent financial woes. To apreciate how far Mexico has come in less than ten years, a quick review of the country´s turbulent past is in order, as well as a preview of what challenges may lie ahead for Mexico.

Ever since the mexican revolution of 1917, the Partido Revolucionario Institucional PRI has dominated the political landscape. As the facto ruling party of Mexico, PRI has controlled both federal and state government for decades through financing party activities and the media.

 In 1985, President De la Madrid began the painful process of rebuilding the Mexican economy, this time based on a market orientation, not state control.
When Carlos Salinas replaced him in 1988m the new PRI sponsored president continued tearing down the old statist foundations.
Thanks to the reforms of de la Madrid and Salinas, more than 80% of the 1,155 state-run Mexican enterprises have been sold, merged or closed to date.
The Salinas Administration has directed government agencies and the remaining state enterprises to stop discriminating against foreign vendors.

In addition, price controls and technical specifications favoring domestic suppliers and cartels are being dismantled.

Of course president Salinas and his successor must also transform the political process to make these economic reforms last. It´s virtually impossible to run an open-market oriented economy if business face arbitrary decisions by local regulators.

When Carlos Salinas steps down as president in 1994, he wants the North America Free Trade Agreement signed by all three member countries. The mexican current account deficit topped US$20 billion in 1992 and was expected to exceed US$24 billion by 1993. So far, a steadt fow of foreign capital has sufficiently covered most of the gap.

What is true about NAFTA and out of it is that any company considering a move to Mexico must balance the risks and rewards-based on long-term bottom line, not latest free trade. Whit or whitout NAFTA, Mexico will still be plagued by potholed highways, commomplace corruption, enviromental messes and a history of deep state invovement in the economy.

USA can be afraid of mexico´s internal movements, but US companies, particulary automobile manufactures, have been drawn to Mexico for decades for capturing lower wages in maquiladoras and using mexican labor to assemble produts for export by adding value in the country before reexport to the USA.

By: Laurence Hecht and Peter Morici
Hardvard Business Review


                                  "WHY CHINA KEEP US AT NIGHT?"

China bestrides the world of political risk like a colossus. Many experts tout it as the great invesment opportunity of the new millennium, but it is also a great unknown, Among the questions political risk analysts are studying: Can China´s explosive economic growth survive its corrupt and inefficient political system?

China´s continued expansion depends on the central government´s capacity to handle complex economic transactions and avoid instability. At the same time, the state must juggle huge security, demographic, and political challenges. Imminent agricultural, banking, and urban policy reforms will probably produce even more complex management problems for the countryps dysfunctional bureaucracy.

China appears to be inching toward instability as reforms strain the relationships between national and regional leaders, increasing the probability of an economic shock followed by a political one. Complicating matters, China´s bureaucracy laks the administrative control necessary to modulate the pace of an economic slowdown.

Analysts of economic risk tend to base projections for China´s growth rates on its past performance. But there are few countries for which past performance is so poor a predictor of future results. With a few notable exceptions, such as the 1989 protests in Tiananmen Square, social unrest is modern-day China has been rare. But the risk of popular unrest is going up as a result of widening income inequality, slowing economic growth, and continuing official abuse and corruption.

The urban unemployed and migrant workers could stage protests; rural rebelion over land reclamations and onerous administrative fess could escalate.

China´s leaders might then clamp down on the media, religious groups, use of the internet, and other forms of expression and communication.

The probability of such events occuring in the short-term is low, but China´s risk indicators suggest it is rising.

By: Ian Bremmer. Harvard Business School. "Managing risk in an unstable world"